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Uptime: 5d 19h 42m

PG Online: 6

MOB: 16408

Object: 167000

Animal Taming



Animal Taming è l’abilità con la quale ranger e farmer addomesticano portano sotto il loro controllo le più svariate creature, partendo da innocui cagnolini fino ai tamutissimi Draghi. Per tamare è necessaria molta pazienza e costanza e per questo i maestri in questa skill sono pochi ma famosi.

Usare Animal Taming

Per utilizzare animal taming fare click sul pallino blu corrispondente nella lista delle skills e selezionare l’animale che si vuole tamare. L’animale dev’essere visibile al tamer e non deve essere troppo distante quindi è fondamentale per il tamer stare vicino al suo obbiettivo durante l’operazione. Se l’azione va a buon fine l’animale diventerà un fedele servo/amico del tamer, nel caso invece fallisca l’animale potrebbe anche rivoltarsi contro al tamer ed ucciderlo. Ricordate che una volta tamato l’animale vi sarà fedele, ma sarà sufficiente un comando superiore alle vostre possibilità o il fatto di nn tenerlo nutrito per farlo ribellare a voi.

Titolo Professionale: Tamer

Come si usa: nella skills list

Insegnanti: Animal Trainer, Ranger

Stats primaria: intelligenza

Stats secondaria: –

Level Skill Mountable Name
1 10 no sparrow
2 30 yes alpaca
1 30 no bat
1 30 no bird
1 30 no frog
1 35 no hamster
1 35 yes pony
1 35 no rabbit
1 35 no rat
1 35 yes Forest Horse
1 40 no canary
1 40 no cat
1 40 no chicken
1 40 no fire bat
2 40 yes horse
2 40 yes llama
2 40 yes ostard
1 40 no parrot
1 40 no rooster
1 40 no squirrel
2 45 no crane
2 45 no ferret
2 45 yes forest ostard
2 45 no plagued rat
2 45 no rabid rabbit
2 50 no black cat
2 50 no dog
2 50 no persian cat
2 50 yes plains ostard
2 50 no rabid cat
2 50 no sheep
2 50 no siamese cat
2 55 no crow
2 55 no giant rat
2 55 no guard dog
2 55 yes mountain llama
2 55 yes pack llama
3 55 yes silver ostard
2 55 yes swamp ostard
3 60 no black sheep
3 60 yes chaos horse
3 60 no deer
3 60 yes desert ostard
3 60 no fire crow
3 60 no goat
3 60 yes golden ostard
3 60 no hunting dog
3 60 no mongbat
3 60 yes order horse
3 60 yes packhorse
3 60 no white sheep
3 65 yes air llama
6 65 yes barbarian bear
3 65 no cow
5 65 yes drow spider
3 65 yes dwarf llama
3 65 yes earth llama
3 65 yes elf ostard
3 65 yes ethereal llama
3 65 yes fire llama
3 65 yes forest frenzied ostard
3 65 yes frenzied ostard
6 65 yes goblin worgen
3 65 yes golden llama
3 65 no hildisvini
3 65 yes human horse
3 65 yes mountain ostard
3 65 yes ocean llama
3 65 no pig
2 65 yes stone ostard
3 65 no swampboar
4 65 yes valley ostard
3 65 no white pack-llama
3 70 no black goat
3 70 yes desert frenzied ostard
3 70 no dolphin
3 70 no gremlin
3 70 yes heavenly llama
3 70 yes highland ostard
3 70 yes infernal llama
3 70 no lizard
3 70 yes night llama
3 70 yes plains frenzied ostard
4 70 no rabid dog
3 70 yes silver frenzied ostard
3 70 no snake
4 70 no spider
3 70 yes swamp frenzied ostard
3 70 yes undead llama
3 70 no vulture
4 70 no war dog
3 70 yes white llama
3 70 no white pack-horse
3 70 no wild boar
4 75 yes frost beetle
4 75 no frost wolf
4 75 yes golden beetle
4 75 yes golden frenzied ostard
4 75 no hart
4 75 yes highland frenzied ostard
4 75 no mastiff
4 75 yes mountain frenzied ostard
4 75 yes palomino
4 75 no plain wolf
4 75 yes plains beetle
4 75 yes scarab
4 75 yes stone frenzied ostard
4 75 yes undead ostard
4 75 no walrus
4 75 no wolf
4 80 no golden hawk
4 80 no gorilla
4 80 no hawk
3 80 yes ice ostard
4 80 no panther
4 80 yes shadow ostard
4 80 yes snow ostard
4 80 no sparrow hawk
4 80 yes spectre horse
4 80 yes undead horse
4 85 yes black horse
4 85 no brown bear
4 85 no bull
4 85 yes dark horse
5 85 yes ocean ostard
5 85 yes valley frenzied ostard
4 85 yes white horse
5 90 yes air ostard
5 90 no coyote
5 90 yes crystal giant beetle
5 90 yes doom giant beetle
5 90 no eagle
5 90 yes earth ostard
5 90 yes fire giant beetle
5 90 yes fire ostard
5 90 no giant spider
5 90 yes glass horse
5 90 yes heavenly giant beetle
5 90 no mountain eagle
5 90 yes poison ostard
5 90 yes stygian giant beetle
5 90 yes sun horse
5 90 yes water ostard
5 95 no black bear
5 95 no cougar
5 95 yes emerald ostard
5 95 no highland bear
4 95 yes ice frenzied ostard
5 95 yes shadow frenzied ostard
5 95 yes snow frenzied ostard
5 95 no stygian dog
3 95 yes undead frenzied ostard
5 100 no alligator
5 100 no black widow
5 100 no giant scorpion
5 100 yes heavenly hound
6 100 yes heavenly ostard
5 100 no hell hound
5 100 no imp
8 100 no royal python
5 100 no white bear
6 105 yes air raptor
6 105 yes ancient grizzly bear
7 105 yes blood ostard
6 105 no cheetah
6 105 yes earth raptor
6 105 yes elder black bear
8 105 no fire dog
6 105 yes fire raptor
6 105 no flaming tarantula
6 105 yes giant highland bear
8 105 no grizzly bear
6 105 yes ice raptor
8 105 no infernal mastiff
6 105 no jackal
6 105 no mountain gorilla
8 105 no obsidian spider
6 105 yes poison raptor
6 105 yes polar bear
6 105 yes raptor
6 105 no royal eagle
6 105 yes undead bear
6 105 yes water raptor
8 110 no anaconda
8 110 no balaur
8 110 no bison
8 110 no chupacabra
6 110 no crab spider
6 110 yes desert raptor
5 110 yes emerald frenzied ostard
6 110 no ethereal widow
6 110 no fire giant serpent
6 110 yes forest raptor
6 110 no frost spider
6 110 no giant serpent
6 110 no hypnotic spider
6 110 no ice giant serpent
8 110 no midnight panter
6 110 no plain spider
6 110 yes plains raptor
6 110 no rock spider
6 110 no sand scorpion
6 110 no sea serpent
6 110 yes swamp raptor
6 110 no tarantula
6 110 no white widow
7 112 no fire basilisk
7 115 yes air mustang
7 115 yes amethyst ostard
8 115 no artios
9 115 no barghest
8 115 yes cosmic savage ridgeback
9 115 no dedalus
9 115 no deinonychus
7 115 no dire wolf
7 115 yes earth mustang
7 115 yes fire ki-rin
7 115 yes fire mustang
9 115 no fire salamander
7 115 no giant fire worm
7 115 no giant forest worm
7 115 no giant sand worm
8 115 no gorgone
8 115 no grey wolf
7 115 yes heavenly raptor
8 115 yes hellish savage ridgeback
7 115 yes highland raptor
7 115 no jaguar
7 115 yes jungle raptor
8 115 yes moonlight ridgeback
7 115 yes mountain raptor
7 115 yes ocean mustang
7 115 yes phantom steed
9 115 no phoenix
8 115 yes rock ridgeback
7 115 no rock scorpion
7 115 yes sea ki-rin
7 115 yes sky ki-rin
8 115 no snow gorgone
7 115 yes spring ki-rin
7 115 yes stygian ostard
7 115 yes summer ki-rin
7 115 yes undead steed
8 115 yes underworld ridgeback
7 115 yes valley raptor
8 115 yes windrider savage ridgeback
7 115 yes winter ki-rin
7 115 yes zulu ostard
7 115 yes Frost Mustang
8 120 yes air frenzied ostard
8 120 no basilisk
8 120 yes black worgen
7 120 no carrion crawler
8 120 yes desert giant lizard
7 120 yes diamond mustang
8 120 yes earth frenzied ostard
7 120 yes ethereal horse
8 120 yes fire frenzied ostard
8 120 yes giant lizard
7 120 yes heavenly mustang
7 120 yes infernal mustang
8 120 no Mirage Elder Bear
7 120 yes night mustang
8 120 no pit scorpion
8 120 yes poison frenzied ostard
8 120 yes stone giant lizard
7 120 yes stygian mustang
8 120 yes swamp giant lizard
8 120 yes the blue drake
8 120 yes the frost drake
8 120 yes the green drake
8 120 yes the infernal drake
8 120 yes the poison drake
8 120 yes the spectral drake
7 120 yes tropical raptor
8 120 yes water frenzied ostard
8 120 yes white worgen
8 120 yes worgen
9 125 yes behemoth
8 125 no centhaurus
8 125 yes crystal ki-rin
8 125 no dark centhaurus
8 125 yes diamond ostard
8 125 yes doom ki-rin
8 125 yes fall ki-rin
8 125 yes heavenly frenzied ostard
8 125 yes heavenly ki-rin
8 125 yes ki-rin
8 125 no marine crocodile
8 125 yes ocean frenzied ostard
8 125 no phase spider
8 125 yes ruby ostard
8 125 yes sapphire ostard
8 125 yes shadow lord
9 125 yes shadow lord captain
8 125 yes shadow lord lieutenant
8 125 yes stygian ki-rin
8 125 yes the heavenly drake
8 125 yes the red drake
8 125 yes the white drake
8 125 yes thunder ki-rin
8 130 yes amethyst frenzied ostard
9 130 no arctic lion
8 130 yes blood frenzied ostard
8 130 yes dark ostard
9 130 no death stalker
8 130 yes doom ostard
9 130 yes dread spider
8 130 yes evil unicorn
8 130 yes freeze ostard
9 130 no gaman
9 130 yes glass ostard
9 130 no goliath spider
9 130 no green anaconda
8 130 yes hellish unicorn
9 130 no kodiak bear
9 130 no orangutan
8 130 no sandstorm scorpion
8 130 yes sea ostard
8 130 no sohirax
8 130 yes stygian frenzied ostard
9 130 no taipan
8 130 yes the black drake
9 130 yes the bronze drake
8 130 no the Mirage Drake
9 130 yes tropical ostard
8 130 yes unicorn
8 130 yes zulu frenzied ostard
9 135 no caragor
9 135 yes Christmas Mustang
9 135 yes elder behemoth
8 135 yes elder shadow lord
9 135 yes elder shadow lord captain
8 135 yes elder shadow lord lieutenant
8 135 yes hellish ostard
8 135 no highland beast
8 135 yes moon ostard
9 135 yes nightmare
9 135 yes rainbow ostard
9 135 no revenant lion
8 135 yes sun ostard
9 135 yes the air drake
9 135 yes the brass drake
9 135 yes the copper drake
9 135 yes the earth drake
9 135 yes the fire drake
9 135 no the greater basilisk
9 135 yes the silver drake
9 135 yes the water drake
9.5 140 no acromantula
9 140 yes diamond frenzied ostard
9 140 yes doom frenzied ostard
9.5 140 no Dread Horn
8 140 yes freeze frenzied ostard
9 140 yes glass frenzied ostard
9 140 no night nimrod
9 140 no phantom spider
9.5 140 no reaper beetle
9 140 yes ruby frenzied ostard
9 140 yes sapphire frenzied ostard
9 140 no savage ridgeback
9 140 yes sea frenzied ostard
9.5 140 no the dark basilisk
9 140 no the fenrir
9.5 140 yes the golden drake
9 140 no the Mirage Colossal Spider
9 140 yes tropical frenzied ostard
9 145 yes dark frenzied ostard
9 145 yes hellish frenzied ostard
9 145 yes moon frenzied ostard
9 145 yes rainbow frenzied ostard
9 145 yes sun frenzied ostard
10 145 no the depth basilisk
10 145 no the elder basilisk
10 145 no the Frost Dragon
10 145 no the Poison Dragon
10 145 no the Rock Dragon
10 145 no the Shadow Dragon
10 145 no the stone basilisk
10 145 no the Storm Dragon
10 150 no the Air Dragon
10 150 no the Black Dragon
10 150 no the Blue Dragon
10 150 no the Bone Dragon
10 150 no the Earth Dragon
10 150 no the Fire Dragon
10 150 no the Green Dragon
10 150 no the Heavenly Dragon
10 150 no the Mirage Dragon
10 150 no the Phantom Dragon
10 150 no the Red Dragon
10 150 no the Water Dragon
10 150 no the White Dragon
Patch Notes – 20.02.2025
Patch Notes – Post Core Update al 14.02.2025
Patch Notes al 20.01.2025
Modifica Importante: Tesori e Altari – Fase di C
Nuove Mounts: Il Dark Shadow Lord e il Poison Must
[MOD] Boat